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    Chairman of Changzhou Hongda (Technology) Group Co., Ltd. Gu Ren Interview | Artificial Intelligence Promotes Printing and Dyeing Industry to China Manufacturing 2025

    HONGDA 2019-07-23 774 return

    Today, at the 2019 International Printing and Dyeing Industry Application Exhibition, "Dyeing and Finishing Technology" and "Printing and Dyeing Auxiliary" Mr. Yu Chunchun had the honor to interview Chairman Gu Ren of Changzhou Hongda (Technology) Group Co., Ltd.

    As a leading enterprise in the research and development of textile printing and dyeing intelligent technology in China, Changzhou Hongda (Technology) Group Co., Ltd. specializes in the intelligent development and development of textile printing and dyeing for nearly 30 years. With its unremitting independent innovation, the company has taken the lead in the field of textile printing and dyeing intelligent control.

    In today's environment where all industries are fully advancing China's manufacturing 2025, does Changzhou Hongda have its own unique insights? In the face of a harsh living environment, can Changzhou Hongda be able to guide the printing and dyeing enterprises? Let Gu Ren Chairman come to answer us one by one.

    Q: China Manufacturing 2025 has set off a wave of smart manufacturing reforms in the industry. How does Changzhou Hongda Group, which is at the forefront of smart manufacturing, understand this strategy? How does this affect the growth and development of the grand public?

    A: I think that China Manufacturing 2025 should be the inevitable trend in the development stage of our country and the inevitable trend of our country's high-speed development to high-quality development. From our grandeur, we have been doing automation and intelligence work for nearly 30 years. We have also built a very deep foundation. In the early stage, we also made a lot of layouts, such as modernization and intelligent manufacturing, modernization. In the end, it will develop into artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has two core elements. The first is intelligent online detection. In the printing and dyeing industry, this has always been a short board. In the printing and dyeing industry, intelligent manufacturing must first be intelligently detected online. This is like a human being. Eyes, nose, ears, if this aspect is not comprehensive, it is very difficult to implement intelligent manufacturing. At this point, we grandly made a unified layout in 2000, taking this piece as a grand strategy. At the core, after nearly 20 years of development, it is now possible to have a comprehensive product line. At present, the two main entry points of artificial intelligence are machine vision and speech recognition. The macro is mainly from machine vision. Hongda has done a very in-depth study in this area. The second is deep learning of data. Artificial intelligence will eventually go to two. Direction development, one is the collection of data, one is the deep learning of data, and the two directions are summarized to finally realize intelligent manufacturing.

    Turning to the printing and dyeing industry, we are also working together in two directions. One is to use artificial intelligence on the process execution system of the setting machine, and the other is to realize artificial intelligence on the dyeing process system. This is our two series of products and the future three. Year to five years, or even five to ten years of industry development direction, and we have done a systematic strategic layout many years ago, we can say that we are at the forefront of the industry, long-term historical accumulation in this The value of the time node reflects its value.

    Q: Is the competition in the smart manufacturing industry fierce? Under such circumstances, how does Changzhou Hongda Group achieve stable development?

    A: Now two problems encountered in the development of the industry, one is how high-quality development of enterprises, and one is environmental protection. In the process of high quality development, the artificial problem is a very important point, which is difficult to use and costly to employ. The dependence of the traditional printing and dyeing industry on manpower is mainly reflected in the experience of workers. What Hongda is doing now is to systematically integrate the experience of traditional workers with data, so that the machine can perfectly achieve the production. The dependence on the field operators and process developers is greatly reduced, and then the machine is continuously learned through artificial intelligence technology. The machine will get smarter and smarter. Just like the artificial intelligence-based finishing process execution system that we launched this time, the traditional shaping process is largely determined by the experience of the workers. There is currently no accurate implementation standard for the setting time, and these parameters are definitely quantifiable. We will turn all these experiences into data. Such uniformity and reproducibility of the process are unmatched by traditional processes, and the requirements of enterprises for workers are also significantly reduced. Today, you use this data to process a batch of products. After the time you need the same process, the artificial intelligence can be perfectly reproduced after processing, and the traditional process can't do this because it can't quantify the variables such as humidity, temperature and dosage.

    Q: The textile printing and dyeing industry needs to improve quality and efficiency. The most important thing is independent innovation. What are the pioneering technologies of Changzhou Hongda Group, and have they turned scientific research into new products? What is the status of these ambitious products in the world?

    A: Of course, we must be leading, and we are in an absolute leading position in the world. Our grand technology research and development is essentially different from the general enterprise. The research of general enterprises can be said to be a technical breakthrough. By setting up a project team to overcome a certain problem, we are systematically, scaled and systematically research and development. This is currently not possible for most domestic companies.

    The significance of new products and new technologies is to solve customer problems and meet new demands of customers. This demand is also divided into explicit and implicit. The research and development of general enterprises can solve the explicit needs of customers, and those who even customers themselves may Unclear hidden demand, only systematic, large-scale, systematic research and development like us, can fully explore and deal with them in the industry, so as to help customers improve themselves, here At one point, our grandness is very leading.

    We can say with confidence - what we have to do is "Huawei" in the printing and dyeing industry.

    Q: In June, Changzhou Hongda Group participated in the textile machinery exhibition in Barcelona, Spain with products with independent intellectual property rights. It showed China's advanced intelligent manufacturing equipment. What is the response of the products? Do you plan to participate in the 2023 Milano Italy? Can you talk about what is the harvest of this exhibition?

    A: Many companies in our country are exhibiting overseas. They are all on the corner of the exhibition. They can only bring some promotional advertisements in the past, and they have no equipment and technology. And this time we set up the booth on the main channel of the exhibition, and the scale is very large, the design is also very scientific and technological, we also brought a lot of newly developed equipment to the scene, our technology is advanced, especially the Hawk Vision whole flower The weft machine made many exhibitors dare not believe that this is a Chinese company. They think that we are a European or American company, or a Japanese company. Even if we explain that we are from China, they think that we may be from Taiwan. We set up more than 10 sets of equipment at the exhibition site. We also gave speeches at the subsequent summit forum. After the meeting, many foreign companies have a strong interest in us. This overseas exhibition has played a very good publicity role for us. We have already planned to participate in the Milan exhibition in Italy in 2023.


    Through this overseas exhibition, we also have a lot of different feelings. As China's textile power, our industrial chain has a lot of perfection compared with foreign countries; foreign cotton spinning technology has made rapid progress, and our country's development in this area is relatively slow, and the gap is further widened, but we The development of dyeing and finishing automation is still clearly leading.

    Q: What development plan does Changzhou Hongda Group have in the future? As an intelligent expert in the textile printing and dyeing industry, what is the path for Hongda to develop with high quality?

    A: Hongda established the corporate values of “revitalizing the national industry and returning to the motherland” more than 20 years ago. We are very happy to use our accumulated knowledge and technology to help those companies with development vision develop technology, overcome problems and help them obtain Success, this has nothing to do with the size of their business.

    As a smart expert in China's printing and dyeing industry, we will use Changzhou Hongda Intelligent Equipment Industry Development Research Institute as the mother body to further develop systematic and large-scale scientific research, and develop more, update and more for the industry. Good products support the sustainable development of the entire industry, and do our best to promote China Manufacturing 2025!

    During the interview, the grand booth was crowded, and many exhibitors were very interested in the new products displayed by Hongda. Once again, I wish the Changzhou Hongda (Technology) Group a complete success.